About Us
We are a family-owned business dedicated to bring high quality products to the market. We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible products at an affordable price, keeping environmental responsibility and animal rights as pillars.
We are Limoux, a natural cosmetics brand founded by our family in Argentina in 2022. We wanted to offer products that were free of harmful chemicals, vegan and cruelty-free, and made with natural ingredients from local and organic suppliers. We sell our products in the USA, where we have registered them in the VCRP (Volunteer Cosmetics Registration Program) of the FDA and built a loyal customer base. Our brand is authentic, transparent, and socially responsible. Our mission is to provide you with effective, yet gentle skincare solutions that enhance your natural beauty.

Our purpose from the idea that originated our company is to offer high quality products, understanding cosmetics as a tool that provides general well-being.
Our products use natural ingredients, will always consider environmental issues, care in animal cruelty, and will be free of harmful substances.
Besides, will maintain the highest quality standards. Our motto is: “We are makers of responsible cosmetics”.
Our mission is to provide you with effective, yet gentle skincare solutions that enhance your natural beauty.

Our vision is to be relevant participants inthe cosmetics market, contributing our effort as imprint, and the respect forour quality, the environment, our clients, employees, and the community.
The pillars that hold our company are those values that give form to our mission and vision:
- The value of effort is the one that gives form to our identity as people. It’s not possible to conceive of our vision without the joint effort from all the participants in our company.
- The value of quality, the only way to understand our commitment is to put this value as a pillar, where our products rely on.
- The value of environmental responsibility, nothing of what we do is without considering the environmental impact.
- The value to our community, our products will always have a price-quality ratio to position them as the best alternative.
- The value of service, our products have the support of our organization to all our clients.
- The value of integrity, as part of our corporate DNA, all our actions are guided by the highest integrity and honesty standards, for our clients, society, suppliers, and employees.